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Who We Serve

Data Solutions for Food Distributors.

Haystack helps food distributors leverage data from end-to-end operations to boost profitability, optimize supply chains, and satisfy their customers.

How We Create Value

A Supply-chain of Insights

Because we understand the importance of data from farm to fork, Haystack is uniquely positioned to support food wholesalers and distributors. With our deep understanding of current upstream and downstream food supply processes, and the ever-evolving technology landscape, Haystack is well equipped to help food distributors activate their data at every step of their operations.

Whether your goal is to optimize routes to reduce fuel costs, manage cold chains to reduce spoilage, improve inventories, or transform back-office operations, Haystack’s integrated data solutions will deliver a supply-chain of insights. Below are a few examples of how we can support your business.

Data Solutions for Food Distributors.

Strategize for Growth

The Challenge

A produce distributor is trying to cope with expanding amounts of data and has emphasized the importance of integrating databases to enable different departments to make better use of data and prevent duplication of tasks.

The Solution

Using our proven F.A.R.M.™ framework, we can design an actionable Master Data Management (MDM) strategy to deliver a single point of truth and faster access to data in order to make strategic decisions that can benefit the supply chain.

Data Solutions for Food Distributors.

Decisions Based on Facts

The Challenge

A produce distributor wanted greater visibility across its supply chain in order to ensure peak levels of freshness from grower to consumer.

The Solution

We can help deploy leading cloud-based data visualization platforms to provide access to the data they need with self-service analytics and deliver visual insights at the point of decision.

Data Solutions for Food Distributors.

Forecast the Future

The Challenge

A food logistics provider wants to improve product demand prediction accuracy to decrease food perishability.

The Solution

Using Machine Learning, we can consider market scenarios, seasonal shifts, customer preferences, and any other aspect that influences a product’s demand and time spent in a warehouse to model optimal demand planning.

Data Solutions for Food Distributors.

Automate the Mundane

The Challenge

A meat distributor wants their WMS to interface with their order fulfillment system based on order event triggers to ensure more accurate inventory levels.

The Solution

Using process automation “bots,” we can monitor orders and update the order handover details across all relevant systems, thereby ensuring optimal inventory levels.

Data Solutions for Food Distributors.

Modernize Data Foundations

The Challenge

A food wholesaler is doing all of their inventory management, data and lot tracking using spreadsheets and an outdated ERP.

The Solution

Using open-source data integration tools, we can consolidate data across existing systems and files, and deploy clean data into a cloud data warehouse where it can be used to optimize inventory levels.

Data Solutions for Food Distributors.

Eliminate Data Silos

The Challenge

A food distributor wants a way to unify their data by integrating their Warehouse Management System (WMS) with their transportation and fulfillment management systems to work more efficiently.

The Solution

With integrated workflows we can connect all three systems simultaneously, fully digitize their supply-chain processes, and allow systems to “talk” across their data to provide visibility to each phase of the supply chain.

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